Although I try not to post things that I immediately find on other blogs, I was so enthralled by illustrator Stefanie Augustine, and animator Adam Gault's nearly transcendent Gettysburg Address video, that I am breaking with tradition. Here, Augustine and Gault present the Lincoln's speech as a form of poetry, their sparse images acting as illuminations to the text. The elements of the video are not subversive; there is no agenda. These two have wisely chosen expertly rendered images that are as timeless as Lincoln's original words have become. Chris Villepigue's sound design couples with the imagery perfectly. Additional animation is by Carlo Vega. You can find more on the video at Motiongrapher.
Also check out the individual artist's websites, as their work there is equally as masterful. Another highlight is Augustine and Gault's exceptionally poetic video, "Off the Course" (seen below.)